SmartIT was founded in 2012 offering integrated solutions to support informatic systems, planning and
consulting services to companies in private companies and governmental organizations and institutions.
Our services concern the provision of technical business and office equipment, internet promotion of
companies and individual professionals, as well as technical support and counseling coverage of each
company’s needs.
The companies that trust us

IT Upgrade
- Choosing the right hardware for the needs of your equipment
- Upgrading and maintenance of existing equipment
- Software installation for business and education of the staff
- Installation, support and maintenance of corporate networks

Internet Promotion
- Creation and website maintenance or upgrading existing sites
- Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – Web Analytics
- Creating and managing Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
- Newsletters (Newsletters) – E-mail marketing – Corporate e-mail

Technical assistance
- Solving technical problems visit your place
- Supply backup equipment in case of damage
- Remote support via phone or TeamViewer
- Updating programs and creation of backup files
Cloud services
The smart approach of SmartIt in the field of Cloud Computing, forming a complete and safe
environment for its customers, offering them innovative solutions with low cost and high performance.

Local Area Networks – LAN
- Design and networks installation
- Network printers installation
- Creation of public spaces in the network
- Creation of virtual private network – VPN

Wireless Networks – WIFI
- Installation of Wireless Networks
- Area Study (Site survey – Analytics)
- Create customized pages input in WIFI (Custom Splash Pages)
- Partners with Cisco-Meraki (equipment with lifetime guarantee)

- Installation NAS server
- Installing Microsoft Sql Server